Guidelines for Seeking 公共记录


The Massachusetts 公共记录 Law (M.G.L. 第66章 & 第4章第7(26)条规定,每个人都有权获取公共信息. 这种查阅权包括查阅或索取任何公共记录副本的权利, or to be notified of a denial of such a request, within ten (10) business days following the receipt of a request. 为协助市民查阅由书院保管的公共档案, the following guidelines are provided.

  • Requests for public records should be directed to Andrea Nathanson, the 大学’s Records Access Officer. The Records Access Officer can be contacted at (413)755-4889 or
  • Although not required, 公开记录的请求应以书面形式提交,以确保学院准确和完整地回应你的请求.
  • A request for public records should include:
  • 学院保存的公共记录包括但不限于:
    • Description of specific records being requested;
    • Date parameters for the public records being requested;
    • Name of person or organization requesting the public records; and
    • The requesting person’s/organization’s contact information.
    • Minutes of open meetings;
    • Policies and procedures;
    • Annual Reports required by state or federal law;
    • Institutional or departmental annual reports;
    • Institutional or departmental annual budgets;
    • 奖 of federal, state and municipal government grants;
    • Contracts and agreements;
    • 已中标或最终被否决的合同或协议的投标;
    • Financial and budget information;
    • Audit reports by an independent, certified public accountant; and
    • Salaries and benefits of public employees.
  • The 大学 maintains a searchable 公共记录 website,供公众查阅和复制公共记录.
  • 记录查阅主任应通过电子方式向请求人提供公共记录,除非该记录没有电子形式,或者请求人没有能力接收或查阅可用电子形式的记录.
  • 学院只需要提供请求时存在的记录,而不需要根据其保管的信息创建新的记录来满足特定的请求.
  • 根据法例,一般认为无须披露的纪录包括:
    • Documents exempted from disclosure by statute;
    • 学生 records;
    • Criminal record information;
    • Personnel or medical files or information;
    • Any material or data relating to a specifically named individual, 披露这些信息可能构成对个人隐私的无端侵犯;
    • 与学院正在制订的政策立场有关的机构间或机构内备忘录或信函;
    • 个人笔记或未作为学院官方档案一部分保存的材料;
    • 由执法人员或调查人员编制的调查资料,而披露该等资料会影响有效执法的可能性;
    • 为制定政府政策而向机构提供并承诺保密的商业秘密和商业或财务信息;
    • 在合同或协议被授予或最终被拒绝之前订立合同或协议的建议和投标;
    • Real property appraisals;
    • Test information, including questions, 答案, scoring keys and other materials used to develop, administer or score a test, examination or assessment instrument;
    • 蓝图, 计划, 政策, procedures and schematic drawings, which relate to internal layout and structural elements, security measures, emergency preparedness, threat or vulnerability assessments, or any other records relating to the security or safety of persons, 建筑, 结构, 设施, 公用事业公司, 联邦内的交通或其他基础设施, the disclosure of which, 在合理判断托管人可能危害公共安全的情况下;
    • 首页 addresses and phone numbers of State employees; and
    • 政府雇员家庭成员的家庭住址和电话号码.
  • 在某些情况下,学院可能会对公共记录的制作收取合理的费用.
  • Permissible charges include, but are not limited to, fees for storage devices or materials, 5美分(0美元).5) per copy and personnel services.
  • 为满足公共记录要求而进行的前4小时工作,不收取任何人事服务费用. 如果需要超过4小时的员工时间来完成请求,则可以按小时费率收取费用,该费率等于或低于具有完成记录请求所需必要技能的最低工资员工的小时费率, which rate shall not exceed twenty-five dollars ($25) per hour.
  • 上述费用限制可能不适用于联邦记录主管确定的出于商业目的的记录请求.